Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 07 - Journals and Homework

9/29 - Quote (choose one) "More often than not, a hero's most epic battle is the one you never see; it's the battle that goes on within him or herself." - Kevin Smith
"The cruelest lies are often told in silence." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Homework: Tang. pp. 197-200
3 Reading Responses

9/30 - Erik is clearly dangerous, especially when he's with his friends. Why does Tino press the issue with him? What does he gain by doing so? What does Erik lose? What does Paul accomplish in his role as a witness and what does he learn?
Homework: Tang. pp. 201-206
3 Reading Responses

10/1 - Free Write
Homework: Tang. pp. 206-223 by Friday
3 Reading Responses
10/2 - Detail how citrus growers in Florida protect their trees from frost. Why does Paul go out to Tomas Cruz Groves to help battle the cold in this section of the book? What motives other than saving the trees does he have?
Homework: 3 Reading responses for journal

10/3 - Reading Response. Pick two of your responses to last night's reading and expand upon them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week 06 - Journals and Homework

9/22 - Free Write
Homework: Tang. pp. 165-171

9/23 - Reading Response: After a brief class discussion, write out three separate responses (different kinds and different events) to things that you read in pp. 165-171.

9/24 - Continue journal entry from 9/23 with three more entries. You may use events from 165 all the way through 177.
Homework: Tang. pp. 171-177
9/25 - What "bad" things might Paul have said to his grandparents? Why would his mother caution him against saying these things? Do you think she was right to insist on this or not?
Homework: Tang. pp. 177-181
9/26 - Quote: "You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act." -Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000
Homework: Tang. pp. 181-194

Monday, September 22, 2008

9/15 - Describe a project you would like to design and present based on what you have read thus far in Tangerine. If your project would require more than one participant, be certain to include numbers and (if possible) preferred actors.
Homework: Tang. pp 151-155

9/16 - Quote: "A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists." -L. Ron Hubbard
Homework: Tang. pp 156-163

9/17 - Write a poem and draw a picture illustrating how vengeance can be toxic.

No Homework! Yay!

9/18 - Write a character profile for your favorite character from the class text. Be certain to include Name, Gender, Appearance, History and Personality. You may include a small (2 square inches) portrait if you are do inclined.

Homework: No new homework
9/19 - Free Write

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 04 - Journals and Homework

We are beginning work on narrative essays this week. As part of that goal, each journal this week should be presented in the form of a short (1-2 pages maximum) story.

9 / 8 - Have you ever had a pet? If so, tell me a story about it- first trip to the vet, a game that it likes to play, or a time you were exceptionally worried about it. If not, what kind of pet would you like to have? Tell a story about something you would do with that animal. Finally, if you have no interest in pets, explain why you feel that way.
Tang pp 113-121

9 / 9 - Tell me a science fiction or fantasy story with yourself as the protagonist. This should be a short story, so you need to pay attention to what details the reader absolutely needs written out and what can be implied- too much detail will get in the way of getting the plot written, while too little will make the setting too amorphous and confusing.
Tang pp 121-129

9 / 10 - Free Write
Tang pp 129-137
9 / 11 - Tell me an embarrassing story (must be school-appropriate). When did this happen? How has it affected you? What would you say is the moral behind your story?
Tang pp 137-144

9 / 12 - Quote: "I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see, and what it means. What I want and what I fear." --John Didion (1934- )
Tang pp 144-151

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 03 - Journals and Homework

Monday (Labor Day): No school = no (new) work!

Tuesday: Why is it important for Lake Windsor Middle School and the LW School District to assure people that Old Charley Burns is gone? Do you believe that the installation of Mr. Fisher as the new Director of Civil Engineering will produce any real differences in the way things are done? Why or why not?
Tang pp 88-92
Write a descriptive paper about a "strange" thing in your house.
Wednesday: Write a poem about getting second chances.
Tang pp 95-103
Thursday: Quote: "He that lives upon hope will die fasting." -Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Tang pp 103-113